Thursday, July 28, 2011

sydney's new york city

HI - its Sydney and I want to tell you about New York City.  First off, we went to drop off the car because we needed a new repair for the air conditining.  Next, we went and got our bags and we headed to the bus stop and then we hopped on the bus and rode to New York.  We then hopped onto a subway and we rode that to our first hotel.  It was very hot outside - we were all sweating a lot.   In the hotel room, there was 2 beds for all of us to sleep in.  In the morning, we walked to the subway again and we rode to our next hotel but the room was not ready for us.  But once we got to our room, there was a bed for my mom and dad and then a fold couch for McKenna and me.

My favorite things in NYC were:
  • Dylan's Candy Bar - so much candy and I got to buy one thing - a sweet stick.  They even had a bathtub full of gumballs!
  • FAO Schwartz - I got a stuffed yellow lab there named Dawber and I love him so much.
  • American Girl Store - so many dolls.  I got a dog book there.
  • Times Square - so many big signs and people.
  • We went to a park with our friends, Luna and Rachel, and played in the sand and slid down this long slide that went really fast when you put water on it.
My least favorite things:
  • The Heat - I got so hot that my mom was worried that I was going to faint or something.
  • The Museum of Natural History...the animals there were real but dead.  Not my favorite.

Shout outs to Hadassah, Dawber, Macy, Kait, Anya, Maggie, Emmie, Jess, Rachel, Amanda, Bella B, Auntie Donna, Lucy, Ava, Gracie, Blake and Tatum.

Bye for now - Sydney.

P.S.  From Karie:  Sydney really did like NYC and the thing that stood out to me the most is that she never seemed scared or overwhelmed by all that is NYC.  She was a trooper!

1 comment:

  1. She's her mother's daughter. :) Did I see sisterly headlock love? -KL

    Sydney-I can't wait for you to come back from you trip. I miss you. -Lucy
